Out of School Hours Care
Times of Operation
Before School
6.30am to 8.45am
Monday – Friday
Children that are left at the program before 7.30am can be given breakfast for a small extra cost.
After School
3.15pm to 6.15pm
Monday – Friday
After School
3.15pm to 6.15pm
Monday – Friday
Youth Leadership Victoria conducts the Out of School Hours program at St Joseph’s Primary School. The program is open to all primary school aged children and offers a range of planned activities for children in a safe and caring environment. The program operates on the school premises out of the school hall.
The program provides:
A safe and supervised environment for all children attending.
A planned indoor/outdoor program for all children in care.
A range of activity choices for children.
Program costs below those of other programs in the municipality.
Snacks included in costs.
Child care rebate available.
Experienced, motivated and dedicated staff.
Bookings and enrolments
All parents wanting to enrol children in the Out of School Hours program must first complete an Out of School hours enrolment form which is available from program staff.
Bookings can be made by contacting program staff at the Out of School Hours program (see times of operation) or through the central office.
Holiday program
A holiday program operates during school term holidays. A range of interesting planned activities and excursions are provided for children through this program.
Contact details for Youth Leadership Vic. Inc. (YLV) are:
St Joseph's Out of School Hours 0402 106 679
YLV Central Office 8790 6511
YLV Email admin@ylv.com.au
Online booking link www.ylv.com.au/online-oshc-bookings/